British Values

Every week, we use the resource Picture News to support our teaching of British Values and Protected Characteristics. 

This helpful resource exposes our children to a range of current issues including political, religious, cultural, environmental, social, moral, spiritual. It helps to make British Values relevant and meaningful and develop links between personal, school and community values.

Picture News also encourages children to demonstrate respect and tolerance. Children can often explain how they should behave or what they should say but what better way to teach respect than if they are discussing something they actually care about? 

For Picture News Coverage please click on the links below.


From this academic year we will be holding a British Values Day, where each class focus on one particular value and explore it together.

The day will end with an assembly where each class have the opportunity to share their learning and thoughts about the value. 

SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural)

SMSC stands for Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural education and is part of the National Curriculum.

At Downton Primary School, our aim is to inspire all our pupils to love learning and to be socially and morally responsible citizens of the world. Our purpose is to nurture the growth of the whole child - academically, socially, and emotionally. We embrace the fact that every child is unique, and our ethos is warm, supportive, and family friendly, ensuring the best possible environment for all children to reach their potential.

Christian values – are embedded in our school SMSC education through PSHE lessons, worship and learning experiences that occur in the everyday life of the school.

Our definition of SMSC

Spiritual: Explore beliefs and experiences; respect values; discover oneself and the surrounding world; use imagination and creativity; reflect meaningfully on their own actions and the actions of others.

Moral: Recognise right and wrong; understand consequences; investigate moral and ethical issues; offer reasoned views.

Social: Use social skills in different contexts; work well with others; resolve conflicts; understand how communities work.

Cultural: Appreciate cultural influences; participate in culture opportunities; understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity.