Welcome to Rabbits Class

We are the youngest children in our school. We enjoy learning in our exciting and stimulating Early Years classrooms. We have three exciting spaces to explore, our main classroom (complete with a mezzanine book area at the top and a ever changing role play area underneath) a large, well lit, indoor / outdoor room which we can use whatever the weather, and our outdoor area where we enjoy planting, the mud kitchen and our new sandpit amongst other things! We place huge importance on helping your child to settle quickly into school life and we aim to make every day a new adventure! The happiness of the children underpins their future successes so we do our best to ensure happy, active and exciting days. Do come and visit us, the children will be delighted to see you and show you what they are discovering and learning.

Photo Gallery

Here are some photos of our learning in EYFS. We like to get out and about on trips and we have already visited Downton Baptist Church for their live nativity. We also went to Ashley Grange Nursing Home to celebrate one of the residents 100th birthday, and we have also been to the Mast theatre in Southampton to watch The Very Hungry caterpillar show! We have also enjoyed exploring different seasons and made the most of the snow when it came for a day! We love being outside and exploring our school grounds including the adventure garden! We share photos of our children regularly with parents using the seesaw app. We are a busy bunch!

Spring Term 2

Term 4 parent overview