Pupil Premium
The Pupil Premium Grant for primary schools is funding provided by the government for the specific purpose of raising attainment of children in receipt of the pupil premium funding. Each school can decide how the pupil premium grant will be spent to best support their pupils.
We receive additional funds, known as the Pupil Premium, to help us support vulnerable pupils at risk of under attaining. The amount we receive is based on the number of pupils eligible for free school meals. This is used to provide additional teaching in class plus one to one tuition, learning interventions, family support and high quality training for staff so that they provide the highest quality teaching. We also use this funding to provide wider enrichment opportunities such as access to cultural opportunities, extra-curricular activities and off-site learning.
Since Pupil Premium funding has been in place we have significantly reduced the attainment gap between vulnerable pupils and others.
If you have any questions about the pupil premium funding or think your child might be eligible for some extra support, please have a look at the following website Applying for Pupil Premium or contact our Pupil Premium Leader, Mrs Carlton by emailing Head@downton-pri.wilts.sch.uk
For more details please see the below reports, which gives details of our Pupil Premium Grant and how we allocate the funding.