Eco-Reps 2024-25

Minutes 28.2.25

1 The Eco-Council reviewed SWITCH OFF DAY. Responses from children, staff and reps were very positive. Everyone had enjoyed the day. Suggestions for future SWITCH OFF DAYS included: learning more about energy production, about deforestation and holding it in the summer with no hot lunches available.

2 The Eco-Council shared responses for the eco-code review:

To address the fruit littering issue, it was decided that we need another bin beside the KS2 Reading Shed and that we need to change the bins to ones with lids because of the problem of wasps in the summer. In addition it was suggested carrots and cucumber would be good in the summer as they are less popular with wasps.

It was noted that many more people rode and scooted to school these days but not everyone stored their bike carefully. It was agreed to suggest that more spots be made available to store cycles and scooters to ease congestion.

Several classes asked if it was possible to compost food and fruit waste. It was decided to investigate.

Minutes 12.2.25

All eco-councillors met to prepare for the in class eco-worship on 13.2.25.

The Eco-Council carried out a first review of the eco-code before sharing with classes for review. The following ideas were shared:

1 Put a copy of the final eco-code on the door of every classroom

2 Have carrots and peppers at snack time in the summer too.

(Are the fruits supplied seasonally?)

3 Weigh the food waste with reps by the food waste bin on different days.






4 Remind children how to put away the scooters and bikes safely.

5 Have a pen weighing competition.  The pot with the least pens wins……

Minutes 6.2.25

KS1 learnt about sorting rubbish for recycling and landfill waste.  They then put posters on the recycling bins in KS1 and EYFS ready to support their feedback to class.

Minutes 31.1.25

UKS2 assisted Downton Parish Council volunteers tree planting in The Memorial Hall Gardens.

Minutes 24.1.25

LKS2 learnt about recycling.

LKS2 made posters to remind people save water and turn of the taps.

Minutes 17.1.25

UKS2 carried out the environmental review.

Our ideas following our review:

Water message in newsletter

Classroom taps not on sensors. Eco Council could monitor this. Add signs to classrooms.

Eco council to make water posters for children’s toilets.

Energy updates in worship

Dedicated wildflower area (unmown all year)

Change order of lunch options to put meat free 1st

Meat free Switch Off Day

Minutes 18.12.24

LKS2 planted some daffodil bulbs in the pots by the school office and potted up some Aloe Vera plantlets to grow in the classroom. They are going to see which plantlet grows the most with the care and attention of the class eco-reps!

Minutes 5.12.24

KS1 planted some daffodil bulbs in the Hedgehog Garden.

Minutes 28.12.24

UKS2 reps weeded the Hedgehog Garden and planted some shrubs that had been donated by a local resident from the village.

Minutes 21.11.24

Reps reviewed and evaluated our SUSTAINABILITY DAY.

Minutes 17.10.24

Reps voted on the best meat free meals to offer on our Sustainability Day 8.11.24.  It was agreed to ask for a plant based hot dog and macaroni cheese.

Minutes 11.10.24

Dormice reps collected the used pens for recycling.

Minutes 16.10.22

1 All reps met to discuss classes’ suggestions for the eco-council action plan. Ideas included:

Fund raising for Operation Ocelot.

Making sure, the school’s systems for waste are followed by everyone.

Making bird feeders, insect hotels and doing some planting.

2 All reps visited the Hedgehog Garden.

Minutes 3.10.24

KS2 reps met to discuss ideas for the eco-council action plan.  All reps to consult their classes and bring ideas to the next meeting.

KS2 reps collected the sunflower seeds from the Hedgehog garden.  The seeds are drying out ready to plant next year.


Minutes 11.7.24

Potato harvesting with UKS2

Minutes 4.7.24

Bean harvesting with KS1

Minutes 20.6.24

Visit from environmental activist Cathy Mears-Martin focused on composting.

Minutes 5.6.24

Preparation for Worship for World Environment Day.

Minutes 16.5.24

KS1 Litter picking and bean harvesting.

Minutes 25.4.24

Planting potatoes with UKS2.

Minutes 24.4.24

Wednesday weeding with LKS2.

Minutes 17.4.24

Reviewed plan of action for Term 5

Collected the pens for recycling today.

Minutes 6/3/24

1 Updated the eco-code.

2 Discussed the logistics for hedge planting. It was suggested that we fence off the garden to stop the children who play tag after school damaging the new hedge plants.

3 Thought of ideas to ask our visiting SUSTAINABILITY CONSULTATANT when she visits on 21/3/24.

What do you do?

What do you like about your job?

Why did you want to do your job?

What can we do at school to make our school life more sustainable?

4 Falcon rep agreed to write the letter about composting waste food.

5 Owls and Falcons to analyse data from next travel survey.

Minutes 29/2/24

1 Suggestion of Litter picking challenge for village as there’s lots of rubbish around.

2 Review of Switch Off Day:

1} Eco-related village trip.

2)No usual school work and eco-focused activities only so that everyone enjoys the planet and sees the point of saving energy. “Save the planet we only have one!”

3) There were too many lights on outside of classrooms. It was explained that some of the lights turn on automatically.

Minutes 22/2/24

1 It was decided to carry out a travel survey in the Summer to compare with the winter results.

2 A thank you card was finished.

3 A poster for the recycling bins was completed.

4 A bar chart was began based on the travel survey data.

Minutes 21/2/24 – SWITCH OFF DAY!

The travel survey data from SWITCH OFF DAY was collated.

Squirrel class had the most people travel to school in a sustainable way such as walking or scooting.

Minutes 7.2.24

1 The decision about a charity to support was postponed.

2 Planned the content for the ECO-WORSHIP about reducing our carbon footprint. We decided to focus on recycling, turning down the heating and meat free meals.

3 The Eco-Council decided to design a logo for switch off day. A footprint with trees.

4 The Eco-Council decided to carry out a travel survey on switch off day and run a competition. The class where the children walk or cycle ( at least part of the way to school) will be the winner.

Minutes 1.2.24

KS1 decorated labels to be displayed on the recycling bins. The labels will remind everyone which materials may be put in the bin.

Minutes 31.1.24

Upper KS2 pooled ideas to create a piece of shared writing to give to Downton Magazine.

“Downton Primary School Eco-Council tries to encourage the school community to look after the environment particularly as at school we use a lot of resources. Recently, we have been weighing the bins in our classrooms to see which class produces the least amount of rubbish for landfill. The winning class receives a trophy. We have been collecting old pens to recycle. Along with that we also recycle batteries. We have displayed “NO IDLING” signs outside school. We’ve been planning to put bird feeders in the front garden and we are currently considering which international charity to support this year. If you have any suggestions please let us know.”

Minutes 25.1.24

1 Agreed to vote on an international charity to support as part of our work on global links. ACTION; Reps to ask classes for ideas.

2 Shared a competition about reducing our personal carbon footprint.

ACTION: Hedgehogs, Hawks, Badgers, Kestrels, Owls, Falcons to remind classes about:

1)    Turn off lights and appliances when not in use.

2)   Remind that only pens go in the pen recycling boxes.

3)   Remind everyone to put recycling in the white bags and landfill waste in the black bags.

4)   Review the eco-code

3 ACTION: 12 o’clock lunch ECO-REP volunteers to come to SQUIRRELS after eating to help compose an article for the Downton Magazine.

Minutes 18.1.24

1 Agenda for Term 3 was discussed.

2 It was agreed that children should remind classes to:

1)    Turn off lights and appliances when not in use.

2)   Remind that only pens go in the pen recycling boxes.

3)   Remind everyone to put recycling in the white bags and landfill waste in the black bags.

4)   Review the eco-code

Minutes 13.12.23

1 KS1 & LKS2 Made a card to send to Peter at Salisbury Bid to say thank you for the shopping voucher.  We have agreed to buy bird feeders for the new bird garden.

2 UKS2 reviewed the Environmental Review and decided one area to explore this academic year is the “Wider World” to enhance our global links for our application to renew our Green Flag.

Minutes 29.11.23

KS1, LKS2 and UKS2 carried out an environmental audit.

Minutes 22.11.23

1 KS1 and KS2 weeded tubs.

2 KS1 and KS2 planted lavender bushes and curry plants.

Minutes 15.11.23

KS1 and friends weeded the planters.

KS2 displayed the “NO IDLING” posters, and finished the letter to Wiltshire Council.

LKS2 finished and gave a thank you card to Ms Curtis.

Minutes 8.11.23

KS1 agreed to help weed the planters in the playground,.

KS2 began a shared letter to Wiltshire Council regarding the request for permanent “NO IDLING” signs to be displayed near school.

It was agreed to make a card for Ms Curtis to say thank you for the curry plant cuttings.

Minutes 11.10.23

1 Reps collected pens from classes for recycling.

2 The Eco-council decided to help with weeding and planting in the Adventure Garden.

3 A letter was composed to thank Salisbury Bid for the £50 award. 

4 A group photo was taken.

Minutes 5.10.23

The eco-council prepared ideas for the next Eco-Worship about Living Sustainably for Sustainability Day (12.10.23)

Minutes 29.9.23

It was announced that Downton Primary School was runner up in the Salisbury Education Challenge!  The school has been awarded £50 to support the “NO IDLING” campaign.  At first eco-reps wanted to spend money on new bird boxes but the money has to support the continuation of the campaign.  So eco-reps suggested printing posters to put on the fences by the Memorial Grounds and on the school fence.  However, The Parish Council are reluctant to encourage random flyers on that fence.  Therefore the Eco-Council will display posters on the school fence  so the eco-council are going to write to Wiltshire Council to ask them to put up a permanent sign in Gravel Close and/or on The Borough and contribute their £50 towards the cost. 

Minutes 13.9.23

Reps agreed to remind classes to recycle used pens.

Minutes 6.9.23

1 Eco-Council agreed roles and agenda for Term 1.

2 It was agreed that, bins may be weighed on any day of the week but results need to be given to the class teacher before the end of school on a Thursday please so that they have time to update the worship ppt. 

Autumn 1/2: Owls

Spring3/4: Falcons

Summer 5/6: Stags


Minutes 28.7.23

1 We planned the worship.

2 We looked at the Travel Survey.

MINUTES 22.6.23

Peter Thompson from Salisbury Education Challenge visited us to discuss our “No idling” project.

He suggested we put big posters around Downton, contacted other schools to share our ideas, Salisbury Council to request displaying posters in Salisbury and John Glenn our local MP.

Minutes 7.6.23

1.     LKS2 are doing the Hendy letter and parish council letter.

2.     Film has been finished and shown to eco council.

3.     Waste and recycling review?

4.     Y5 have written the letter for the competition.

MINUTES 24.5.23

1 UKS2 made a film reminding people to switch off car engines when parked. This was shared with the eco-council.

2 LKS2 summarised the data for the travel survey and began a letter to the Car Sales firm requesting that a “no idling” symbol be added to all their receipts and invoices.

3 KS1 shared their “No Idling” Poster designs.

4 Shared letter writing to Salisbury Bid.

5 No idling signs are to be put on the school’s headed paper.

MINUTES 17.5.23

LKS2 met to plan letter to send to Parish Council to ask if we can display “no idling” posters on the fence outside the park.

MINUTES 10.5.23

KS1 met to draw designs for the “No idling” poster.

MINUTES 3.5.23

The whole eco-council met to talk about air pollution and the problem of “idling” where parked fossil fuel powered cars pollute the environment by having the engines on.  Ideas to improve air pollution were:

1 Lower the price of electric cars.

2 Walk whenever possible.

3 Stop people idling in cars.

It was decided to remind people to switch off their car engines by:

a)     writing a newspaper article about it

b)    Film

c)     Posters

d)    Label for new car owners.

Minutes 1.3.23

We have been using less electricity lately and saving money. Switch Off Day was fun as we did different activities. We raised money and gave it to people who don’t have enough water so they don’t have to fill up buckets from the river.

Minutes 17.1.23

Mrs Carlton attended the Eco-council meeting so that she could discuss some of the Eco-council ideas.

FOXES: soap bottle recycling

We need to find out who would collect the bottles from the school for recycling and a container for collecting the bottles.

OWLS: using school produce for school lunches.

Mrs Carlton agreed to talk about this idea with the cooks and the eco-council would look at the logistics of harvesting the raspberries, apples, potatoes and herbs.

DORMICE: having roller blinds.

Dormice explained that they had to keep the lights on with the current blinds completely shut so that the board was readable but if they had roller blinds then natural light would be possible because the blinds would only be half shut.  Foxes have the same problem. Mrs Carlton explained that roller blinds are expensive and break easily but that they would look at this after April when the school gets its new budget.

FALCONS: composting of school fruit and waste food.

Mrs Carlton agreed that the school could look into composting of waste for biofuels when they agree their next waste contract.

Feedback from classes

Hawks had lots of great ideas for living more sustainably.  They reminded us to use less paper to save trees, to go litter picking with a responsible adult, recycle whenever possible.  They even suggested that children could ask their families to go litter picking or nurdling at the beach.

AOB Well done everyone.  We have reduced our usage of electricity and gas because we are closing windows, shutting doors and turning off lights and appliances.

Minutes 12.1.23

1 Reps from Kestrels, Badgers, Hawks and Falcons drew pictures for the “Nearly New Sale” advert.

2 Falcons reps collected the used pens.  These were sent to the charity MEDIC to MEDIC which raises money to train doctors in Malawi.

Minutes 5.1.23

1 Mrs Lewins, a sustainability consultant from Kingfisher Ecology came to visit the eco-council.  Mrs Lewins explained how her job helps people live and work in a more sustainable way.  She explained that to live sustainably we have to use the natural resources in the world responsibly, so that they can support both present and future generations.

2 Kestrels class made the following suggestions of changes we can make at school to use natural resources more responsibly:

1)      Teachers should reduce the amount of paper used in Maths (photocopying).

2)      All the bins in school should be labelled.

3)      Teachers should reduce the amount of time using the whiteboard to save energy.

4)      All classes should have their lights switched off during worships. 

5)      Every classroom should have real plants. 

3 The eco-council agreed to invite Mrs Carlton to the next meet so that we can consult her about some of ideas for working more sustainably in school. 

4 The children agreed to draw pictures next week to advertise the:

Nearly New Sale on Friday 27th January 2023 from 2:30pm - 4pm in the school hall. 

The DPSA will be offering all uniform, Christmas Jumpers, Nativity & World Book Day costumes. All items will be available for a minimum donation of £1.

Minutes 1.12.22

1 Dormice want roller blinds so they don’t have to put down the blinds all the way because then they wouldn’t have to use the lights on sunny days.

Action: Dormice writing a letter to Mrs Carlton.

2 Foxes want new whiteboard rubbers so they don’t have to use paper towels which then go into landfill. Action: Foxes to write a letter to Mrs Carlton.

3 The eco council wants to go litter picking. Action: Mrs Wells will organise on site litter picking.

4 Foxes want to ask Mrs Carlton if they can recycle soap bottles at school. Action: Foxes to write to Mrs Carlton.

5 Eco council want to plant some food for use in the school kitchen.

 Action: Owls are going to ask Mrs Carlton if the school kitchen would use our school apples next Autumn and eco-council are going to plant some seeds in the Spring.

6 Mrs. Lewins a sustainability consultant, is coming to meet the eco-council on 6th January.

7 The eco-council want to make a poster each for their classes to remind children how to live sustainably.  Action: All at next meeting

Hedgehogs asked if people with packed lunch may eat a bit of their lunch and then have “seconds” from their lunch box.  Action: Mrs Wells to consult staff.

The eco-council saw a bar chart showing how much electricity we have used over the last 4 years.  Action: All classes to be reminded to turn off all appliances when not in use.

Minutes 10.11.22

1 Hawks and Badgers given time to feed back.

2 One bin label finished.

3 Prayers written for the eco-worship.

4 Letter to be completed ready for next week.

AOB New pen boxes distributed. The pens inside will be recycled to raise money to educate doctors. 

Classes to be reminded to send used batteries to the office for recycling.

Dormice have requested roller blinds so that they don’t have to have the lights on in their classroom and so save energy.

Minutes 3.11.22

1 Stags and Hedgehogs had the opportunity to report back.

2 Labels for bins designed.

3 Preliminary plans for an Eco-Worship:

1 Song!

2 Demonstrations of using the right bin Wrong/right bin

3 Yes or no bell/dong - thumbs up or thumbs down

4 Think global act local

5 Prayer for the world

4 The eco-council unanimously voted to ask to have our food waste sent off to be converted into energy (biofuels).

Minutes 13.10.22

Falcons: The swift box doors are closed.

Ideas for a great eco-worship:

Have an eco-friendly song.

Children involved.


Talk about ideas on how to look after the planet.

Act out how we can be kind to the planet.


Owls: Reintroduce recycling crisp packets.

Hawks: Make labels for playground bins to show compost/landfill.

Highlighters can be recycled with the pens.

Minutes 6.10.22

Mrs Wells will remind teachers to give time for feedback.

Tea boxes are used to turn into pen boxes to store used stationary such as whiteboard pens and biros ready for recycling (this is eco-friendly). Eco-reps will bring the used pens to eco-council so that Mrs Wells can take the pens to be recycle at Rymans in Salisbury.

There are bird boxes scattered around our school to give birds such as swifts and other birds homes. The swift boxes are now shut for the winter. We will open them again in the Spring when the swifts return from Africa.

To love the world, we have to love each other and look after the world.

Eco-reps must bring their notebook every Thursday to the meetings

Minutes 22.9.22

1 Reps discussed the eco-code. Reps to remind classes and display the eco-code.

2 Reps to remind each class to appoint a light and appliance monitor to switch off electricity when the class leaves the room.

Minutes 15.9.22

Eco-council reps met for a “working lunch”! Badges and notebooks were distributed.


Minutes 6.7.22

Environmental Review continued.

Travel Survey collated.

Preparations begun for end of year Eco-worship on 14.7.22.

Minutes 29.6.22

Y4 did a “lights off” spot check.

All reps to remind classes that the last person in the line turns out the lights or has a light monitor.

Environmental Review continued.

Minutes 9.6.22

Pens collected ready for recycling. 

Reps to remind their classes about doing the travel survey.

Environmental Review continued

Minutes 11.5.22

Travel survey distributed.

Environmental Review continued.

Green Flag Application.

Minutes 24.3.22

KS1 went litter picking: They picked up a lot of soft plastic straw covered wrappers.  They decided that they would make a poster to highlight this to the school.

Minutes 10.3.2022

The eco council fed back from the switch off day – all the classes enjoyed it.  Key stage 1 would like to recycle their soft plastics if possible – Mrs Hawkins to chat to Mrs Wells about how best to do this – at the co-op. 

KS1 & 2 Pupil feedback -

·         We really enjoyed do the Switch off day worship; because we got to lead we spoke to the whole. It was interesting to hear what other children were doing in their classes. 

·         It was nice that we only used one book

·         We didn’t really notice the heat was off and it was nice not to look at the board.

·         We enjoyed meeting the visitors.

KS1 pupil feedback -

·         We enjoyed learning about recycling and sorting the recycling. 

Minutes 3.2.22

Feedback from classes:

Eat less fish, don’t use cars as much, use less paper, turn lights off when you have left a room, don’t use many paper towels or much soap .  We need to have compost bins. Turn taps off when finished. Use pens more wisely. Reduce pollution by not travelling by car as often.

0n Thursday the 17 of February we are having a “switch off day”.

Y6 shared recycling poster.

Y5 to finish the letter.

Minutes 6.1.22

All reps agreed to highlight eco-code and motto with teachers and class.

Reps agreed to check that classes had light monitors and remind classes to put all fruit peelings in the bin.

It was agreed that from next week we would weigh separately the landfill bin and the recycling bin after lunch on a Wednesday.  (Results need to be sent to Mrs Wells).

Y4 are finalising their letter recommending a way to reduce energy usage.

Y5 recommend that teachers do not use the colour photocopier and reduce the amount of photocopies going to scrap paper.  They will present their letter to the eco-council next week.

2 reps are bringing in containers (to be quarantined) ready for the future collection of felt tip pens for recycling.

Minutes 9.12.21

Foxes to reported back.

Y3 spoke to Mrs Allin.

Y4 worked on letter to Mrs Carlton.

Y5 brought planting suggestions for bees.

Y6 made new labels for bins for decoration.

KS1 distributed and decorated eco-code for classrooms.

Minutes 2.12.21

Badgers and Hawks presented their ideas for the eco-code and school actions to improve sustainability.

Y6 reviewed all the suggestions and began a plan for action. It was agreed that Y6 would make new labels for the bins and KS1 would decorate them. ACTION: Y6

It was agreed to ask Mrs Allin for a compost bin for each playground.  There would be one landfill also available. ACTION: Y3

It was agreed to look into planting for bees. ACTION: Y5

It was agreed to ask Mrs Carlton to turn down the heating by a couple of degrees to save energy as we have the windows open anyway.  ACTION: Y4

Minutes 29.11.21

Class reps reported on their review of the existing eco-code and other ideas for taking action to improve the sustainability of our school.


We were in a garden having a eco meeting.

We heard the suggestions from other school stakeholders: a parent, governor, church and community reps.

Minutes 4.11.21

Year 6 reps agreed to carry on weighing the landfill bins on random days.

We prepared for our Climate Worship for the afternoon. Action: Collect the review of our school eco-code and suggestions for The DPS Climate Conference on 18.11.21.

Minutes 7.10.2021

Eco-council reps were asked to weigh the landfill bins.

We went to the Adventure Garden to plan out the willow tunnel restoration.  Wiltshire Wildlife Trust are coming in to help us with our plan.

We met Chris from Downton Green Group who is working to make Downton plastic free.  We looked at a bird box with a nest in the garden.  Our visiting DGG expert Chris, told us it was a robin’s nest. We heard a robin singing and some jackdaws. We saw some rooks. Leila is also joining our Eco-council to support our work.

MINUTES 30.9.21

The swift boxes are shut.

We have stuck labels on the recycling bins except Foxes and Stags.

We planned a worship about waste.

Minutes 16.9.21

1 KS2 recorded how to find the eco-minutes and eco-news on the school website.  Action: Reps to show own class.

2 KS2 reps checked the swift call system.  Action: Y6 reps to ask for the swift box doors to be shut for the Winter. 

Minutes 9.9.21

New KS1 and KS2 Eco-reps met for the first time.

Action: All reps to remind classes to switch off electrical appliances and lights when not in use.

Eco-Council 2020-2021


Downton Primary School


Minutes 20-5-21

Y6 worked on the results of the whole school travel survey and the weekly bin weighing results. Y5 planted wild flower seeds in the pond garden. Y4 drafted a letter requesting that we ensure our energy is supplied from renewable resources.

Minutes 25-3-21

The Eco-council prepared to lead worship (via Zoom) to remind everyone to reduce the amount of energy they use.

Minutes 5-2-21

Y6 worked on the environmental review and began to plan for “Switch Off Day”.

Minutes 10-12-20

1 Hedgehogs, Foxes and Dormice had a look at the pond garden and raised beds.  They agreed to make labels for the permanent plants in the raised beds.

2 Badgers, Owls, Falcons and Kestrels reviewed their slide for the Eco-worship (10-12-20). 

3 Falcons continued with the school environmental review.  

Actions: Environmental Review and plant labels.

Minutes 26-11-20

1 Y6 taught the younger classes the THINK GLOBAL – ACT LOCAL  action rhyme.  This rhyme is to help us remember to REDUCE, RECYCLE AND RE-USE as often as we can. 

2 The school was delighted to receive a free hedge pack from The Woodland Trust. Reps from every class have helped to plant a sapling or shrub.  We are hoping the new plants will provide additional cover and food for our garden birds. 

Actions:  Class reps to teach own classes the action rhyme.

Minutes 3.10.20

1 Reps discussed that they need to remind their classes to turn off lights, ITWs etc when not being used as well as putting the correct waste in the right bin.

2 Reps discussed the Eco-worship on waste.


Actions: All reps to remind classes about the competition (details in ECO-NEWS) and reducing waste in class.

Minutes 12-11-20

1 Environmental review – recycling

2 Eco-code

3 Created film to remind everyone to follow the school Eco-code.

4 Made up actions to go with the school eco-motto THINK GLOBAL ACT LOCAL

Actions: Eco-council to plant hedge.

Eco-Council 2019-2020

We have a thriving Eco-council led by the Year 6 representatives. Meetings are held before school on Thursday mornings at 8.40am in the Woodland Room. The council has representatives from years 1 -6. The representatives report back to class and from class to the Eco-council.

Downton Primary School



Minutes ZOOM MEETING 8-7-20 (with reps from Y4, Y5 and Y6)

1 Bees – A bee’s nest was found in school.  A beekeeper has taken it away to give the bees a new home.  When the bees have produced some honey the beekeeper is going to return it to school to sell in jars once it is safe to do so. 

2 Swift boxes – Unfortunately once again sparrows moved into the swift boxes before the swifts found the boxes.

3 Energy - We have found out that about 32% of the electricity we use comes from renewable sources. Therefore it was decided to investigate if we could increase the amount of electricity we get from renewable sources.  It was agreed to hold another “Switch Off Day” next academic year, use lighting as little as possible and re-appoint classroom monitors to check bins/switch off lights etc 

4 Waste - We talked about reducing our plastic packaging and recycling at lunchtime.  Once it is safe to do so we also hope to make beeswax food coverings ready to sell. Key worker children have sent a letter to Blue Peter. The letter reminds people to reduce their use of plastic so that the oceans are not littered with plastic waste endangering wildlife. 

5 Think Global Act Local - Jane Goodall with the Roots and Shoots Foundation has the following aim:  “To foster respect and compassion for all living things, to promote understanding of all cultures and beliefs and to inspire each individual to take action to make the world a better place for people, animals and the environment.”. We are going to plan a Worship for Harvest time about Fair Trade to remind us to Act local but think global when buying products from the supermarket.

6 Transition Advice -  The outgoing leaders advised their successors to keep the eco-folder organised, carry on with the bin weighing competition when possible and share the results as a graph on the Celebration Worship power point each week. A draft action plan for 2020-2021 was created.

7 Thank you - All Eco-reps were thanked and the Y6 Eco-Reps were praised for leading the meetings so successfully.



Minutes 6-2-20

1 Packed lunch packaging: beeswax paper/cloths/

2 Prayer Garden Planting: buttercups, tulips, roses, wildflowers, snowdrops, yellow roses, daisies, bluebells, herbs, lavender, sunflowers.

Thank you to Mrs P who has given us some seeds for our prayer garden.

3 Switch off Day: Remind classes there will be no heating, lighting or electrical appliances in use on Thursday 13th February 2020.

4 Eco-code: Reps to review with classes.

Minutes 30-1-20

1 Planned letter to kitchen staff re-useable plastic.

2 Collected some flower ideas from classes for prayer garden.

3 Began a poster for parents/carers about re-usable coverings for packed lunches.

4 AOB on 13 February we will have a “Switch Off Day” where we don’t use electricity at school so there will be no interactive whiteboards, laptops, heating or lighting lighting Beginning of February we will have a Flip the Switch day  switch off day.  This is to remind us that we should always turn off electrical appliances when not in use.

Minutes 23-1-20

1 Collected ideas for lunch packaging design to prevent use of cling film and tinfoil.

AOB 1 Decided to by tree for a prayer garden. 2 Asked classes for ideas for plants for prayer garden.

Minutes 16-1-20

1 Mrs Wells is going to teach us how to turn down the radiators.

2 We went through last part of environmental review and worked out a list of actions.

3 Our first action is going to be  to change what the school sandwiches are covered in, not plastic/cling film and to encourage packed lunches to be brought in re-usable packaging.

4 We need to arrange for the water butts to be connected to the drainpipes so that we can water the plants with rainwater.

Minutes 30-1-20

1 Planned letter to kitchen staff re-useable plastic.

2 Collected some flower ideas from classes for prayer garden.

3 Began a poster for parents/carers about re-usable coverings for packed lunches.

4 AOB on 13 February we will have a “Switch Off Day” where we don’t use electricity at school so there will be no interactive whiteboards, laptops, heating or lighting lighting Beginning of February we will have a Flip the Switch day  switch off day.  This is to remind us that we should always turn off electrical appliances when not in use.

Minutes 6-2-20

1 Packed lunch packaging: beeswax paper/cloths/

2 Prayer Garden Planting: buttercups, tulips, roses, wildflowers, snowdrops, yellow roses, daisies, bluebells, herbs, lavender, sunflowers.

Mrs P has given us some seeds for our prayer garden.

3 Switch off Day: Remind classes there will be no heating, lighting or electrical appliances in use on Thursday 13th February 2020.

4 Eco-code: Reps to review with classes.

Minutes 27-2-20

1 Eco council are reviewing eco-friendly packed lunch packaging.

2 Ask classes about switch off day – 3 stars and a wish.

3 Review eco code with class.

AOB There are no slots for eco council worship in term 4.

Minutes 12-3-20

1 We are going to ask PC if we can send the pack lunch letter about packaging to the Kitchen staff.

2 Switch of day review: Owls felt it wasn’t a success because they couldn’t turn off their lights!

3 Eco-code Review:

Owls said: We needed solar panels.

Kestrels said: If it’s a sunny day we don’t need lights.

Hawks said: They didn’t need any changes.

Badgers said: Look after the flowers.

Dormice , Hedgehogs, Foxes didn’t  feed back.

4 Every class have made a lent promise : Eg not using lights or no waste on Wednesdays.



Minutes 10-9-19 (8.40-9.05am)

1 Send message to parents about cake sale (18/10/19 at 3.30pm in playground). JW to ask PC.

2 Chose location for new bird box. Get bird boxes for places we have found. (Move Robin box).

3 We are going to learn song “It’s a wonderful world” for our Eco-worship. A to ask JB.

4 18th October cake sale just for cakes. We’ll do a plant sale in the Spring. Reps. to remind classes.

Agenda 17-10-19 (8.40-9.05am)

1 Cake sale arrangements.

2 CC coming to talk about birds to help us prepare for our worship and bring the new bird box.

3 Crisp packet flattening.


Minutes 17-10-19 (8.40-9.05am)

1 JW showed JB where the eco council think the bird boxes should be located.

2 Year 1 and 2 need to give feed back to class.

4 A local eco blogger is coming to visit us on 21st November to help us become more eco friendly..

5 On 14th November the Eco Assessor coming in to see if we still deserve green flag status.

6 Worship planned for 6 November.

Minutes 7-11-19 (8.40-9.05am)

1 Comments on the worship: “Good”. “Would have been better if the song was played”. “Would have been better if we had had more time”.

2 Money from cake sale: We raised about £40 towards the camera. We will combine this with the money raised last year from the sponsored skip.

3 We are going to work out how to make the bird box visible for children to see.

4 Began environmental survey for 2019-2020. We will use this to produce our action plan and then update our eco-code.

5 All reps are to remind classes about recycling at lunchtime.

Minutes 21-11-19 (8.40-9.05am)

Y4 reps to write to governors to ask for an easy thermostat for the new build so that we don’t open the windows to let out the heat.  Y4 reps are to also write about the need for some new radiator valves and the suggestion that we could put solar panels on the roof of the new build. 

JW will talk to the teachers about turning the radiator thermostats down before opening the windows.

We had an interesting visit from IM (an eco-blogger).  We found out where the rubbish in Hampshire is incinerated and how the ash is used underneath new roads. 

Minutes 28-11-19 (8.40-9.05am)

1 We produced thank you card for IM.

2 We carried on with the environmental review.

3 We are all going to remember to say thank you to Mr Bunn for the new bird box! We are hoping CC will come into school to show us the best place to locate it.

4 Next week we will carry on with the environmental review.

Minutes 5.12.19 (8.40-9.05am)

1 CC came in to show us where to locate our new bird box.

2 We carried on with the environmental review.

Minutes 12.12.19 (8.40-9.05am)

1 We produced a Christmas card for CC.

2 We carried on with the environmental review.

3 A pupil came to the meeting with a prepared list of questions for the eco-reps. This pupil returning to the next meeting for answers.


Downton Primary School



Minutes ZOOM MEETING 8-7-20 (with reps from Y4, Y5 and Y6)

1 Bees – A bee’s nest was found in school.  A beekeeper has taken it away to give the bees a new home.  When the bees have produced some honey the beekeeper is going to return it to school to sell in jars once it is safe to do so. 

2 Swift boxes – Unfortunately once again sparrows moved into the swift boxes before the swifts found the boxes.

3 Energy - We have found out that about 32% of the electricity we use comes from renewable sources. Therefore it was decided to investigate if we could increase the amount of electricity we get from renewable sources.  It was agreed to hold another “Switch Off Day” next academic year, use lighting as little as possible and re-appoint classroom monitors to check bins/switch off lights etc 

4 Waste - We talked about reducing our plastic packaging and recycling at lunchtime.  Once it is safe to do so we also hope to make beeswax food coverings ready to sell. Key worker children have sent a letter to Blue Peter. The letter reminds people to reduce their use of plastic so that the oceans are not littered with plastic waste endangering wildlife. 

5 Think Global Act Local - Jane Goodall with the Roots and Shoots Foundation has the following aim:  “To foster respect and compassion for all living things, to promote understanding of all cultures and beliefs and to inspire each individual to take action to make the world a better place for people, animals and the environment.”. We are going to plan a Worship for Harvest time about Fair Trade to remind us to Act local but think global when buying products from the supermarket.

6 Transition Advice -  The outgoing leaders advised their successors to keep the eco-folder organised, carry on with the bin weighing competition when possible and share the results as a graph on the Celebration Worship power point each week. A draft action plan for 2020-2021 was created.

7 Thank you - All Eco-reps were thanked and the Y6 Eco-Reps were praised for leading the meetings so successfully.



Minutes 6-2-20

1 Packed lunch packaging: beeswax paper/cloths/

2 Prayer Garden Planting: buttercups, tulips, roses, wildflowers, snowdrops, yellow roses, daisies, bluebells, herbs, lavender, sunflowers.

Thank you to Mrs P who has given us some seeds for our prayer garden.

3 Switch off Day: Remind classes there will be no heating, lighting or electrical appliances in use on Thursday 13th February 2020.

4 Eco-code: Reps to review with classes.

Minutes 30-1-20

1 Planned letter to kitchen staff re-useable plastic.

2 Collected some flower ideas from classes for prayer garden.

3 Began a poster for parents/carers about re-usable coverings for packed lunches.

4 AOB on 13 February we will have a “Switch Off Day” where we don’t use electricity at school so there will be no interactive whiteboards, laptops, heating or lighting lighting Beginning of February we will have a Flip the Switch day  switch off day.  This is to remind us that we should always turn off electrical appliances when not in use.

Minutes 23-1-20

1 Collected ideas for lunch packaging design to prevent use of cling film and tinfoil.

AOB 1 Decided to by tree for a prayer garden. 2 Asked classes for ideas for plants for prayer garden.

Minutes 16-1-20

1 Mrs Wells is going to teach us how to turn down the radiators.

2 We went through last part of environmental review and worked out a list of actions.

3 Our first action is going to be  to change what the school sandwiches are covered in, not plastic/cling film and to encourage packed lunches to be brought in re-usable packaging.

4 We need to arrange for the water butts to be connected to the drainpipes so that we can water the plants with rainwater.

Minutes 30-1-20

1 Planned letter to kitchen staff re-useable plastic.

2 Collected some flower ideas from classes for prayer garden.

3 Began a poster for parents/carers about re-usable coverings for packed lunches.

4 AOB on 13 February we will have a “Switch Off Day” where we don’t use electricity at school so there will be no interactive whiteboards, laptops, heating or lighting lighting Beginning of February we will have a Flip the Switch day  switch off day.  This is to remind us that we should always turn off electrical appliances when not in use.

Minutes 6-2-20

1 Packed lunch packaging: beeswax paper/cloths/

2 Prayer Garden Planting: buttercups, tulips, roses, wildflowers, snowdrops, yellow roses, daisies, bluebells, herbs, lavender, sunflowers.

Mrs P has given us some seeds for our prayer garden.

3 Switch off Day: Remind classes there will be no heating, lighting or electrical appliances in use on Thursday 13th February 2020.

4 Eco-code: Reps to review with classes.

Minutes 27-2-20

1 Eco council are reviewing eco-friendly packed lunch packaging.

2 Ask classes about switch off day – 3 stars and a wish.

3 Review eco code with class.

AOB There are no slots for eco council worship in term 4.

Minutes 12-3-20

1 We are going to ask PC if we can send the pack lunch letter about packaging to the Kitchen staff.

2 Switch of day review: Owls felt it wasn’t a success because they couldn’t turn off their lights!

3 Eco-code Review:

Owls said: We needed solar panels.

Kestrels said: If it’s a sunny day we don’t need lights.

Hawks said: They didn’t need any changes.

Badgers said: Look after the flowers.

Dormice , Hedgehogs, Foxes didn’t  feed back.

4 Every class have made a lent promise : Eg not using lights or no waste on Wednesdays.



Minutes 10-9-19 (8.40-9.05am)

1 Send message to parents about cake sale (18/10/19 at 3.30pm in playground). JW to ask PC.

2 Chose location for new bird box. Get bird boxes for places we have found. (Move Robin box).

3 We are going to learn song “It’s a wonderful world” for our Eco-worship. A to ask JB.

4 18th October cake sale just for cakes. We’ll do a plant sale in the Spring. Reps. to remind classes.

Agenda 17-10-19 (8.40-9.05am)

1 Cake sale arrangements.

2 CC coming to talk about birds to help us prepare for our worship and bring the new bird box.

3 Crisp packet flattening.


Minutes 17-10-19 (8.40-9.05am)

1 JW showed JB where the eco council think the bird boxes should be located.

2 Year 1 and 2 need to give feed back to class.

4 A local eco blogger is coming to visit us on 21st November to help us become more eco friendly..

5 On 14th November the Eco Assessor coming in to see if we still deserve green flag status.

6 Worship planned for 6 November.

Minutes 7-11-19 (8.40-9.05am)

1 Comments on the worship: “Good”. “Would have been better if the song was played”. “Would have been better if we had had more time”.

2 Money from cake sale: We raised about £40 towards the camera. We will combine this with the money raised last year from the sponsored skip.

3 We are going to work out how to make the bird box visible for children to see.

4 Began environmental survey for 2019-2020. We will use this to produce our action plan and then update our eco-code.

5 All reps are to remind classes about recycling at lunchtime.

Minutes 21-11-19 (8.40-9.05am)

Y4 reps to write to governors to ask for an easy thermostat for the new build so that we don’t open the windows to let out the heat.  Y4 reps are to also write about the need for some new radiator valves and the suggestion that we could put solar panels on the roof of the new build. 

JW will talk to the teachers about turning the radiator thermostats down before opening the windows.

We had an interesting visit from IM (an eco-blogger).  We found out where the rubbish in Hampshire is incinerated and how the ash is used underneath new roads. 

Minutes 28-11-19 (8.40-9.05am)

1 We produced thank you card for IM.

2 We carried on with the environmental review.

3 We are all going to remember to say thank you to Mr Bunn for the new bird box! We are hoping CC will come into school to show us the best place to locate it.

4 Next week we will carry on with the environmental review.

Minutes 5.12.19 (8.40-9.05am)

1 CC came in to show us where to locate our new bird box.

2 We carried on with the environmental review.

Minutes 12.12.19 (8.40-9.05am)

1 We produced a Christmas card for CC.

2 We carried on with the environmental review.

3 A pupil came to the meeting with a prepared list of questions for the eco-reps. This pupil returning to the next meeting for answers.