School Day

Children should arrive at school at the time stated as detailed below.

Morning drop off:

School opens at 8.40am. Children have until 8.50am to arrive. If children arrive after 8.50am, they need to arrive via the School Office.

Afternoon pick up:

School ends at 3.20pm for all pupils.

Drop off and pick up locations:

Security is of utmost importance at Downton Primary School and the gates are closed securely and promptly after each drop off time. If you should arrive to school once the gate is closed, you will need to sign your child in at the school office.

Children arriving after this time will need to enter through the school office and will be recorded as a late attendance. No children should be in school before 8:40am unless they are attending Breakfast Club.

Parents are asked not to park or drive down Gravel Close at pick up and drop off times. In order to keep you and your children safe, we would ask that if you need to come into school that you sign in and out at the office.

School Day Timetables

Sample timetable for EYFS

Sample timetable for KS1

Sample timetable for KS2