We consider it important that our pupils are smartly dressed and believe a uniform looks smart and adds to the children’s sense of identify and belonging at school. Parental support in this respect is greatly appreciated. Our School Uniform Policy can be found here.
We have two suppliers from which you can purchase items of school uniform which require a school logo from: these are listed below. Additionally, all plain items of clothing are available at many high street retailers or supermarkets. Second hand uniform is available to purchase from our school office.
Direct4logos in Romsey are available by telephone at 01794 511550 or click on the link below to place your order. You may have your order delivered to school free of charge or pay p&p for delivery to your home.
Please click here to order: https://www.direct4logos.com/
Alternatively, you can visit Kids Klobber on Endless Street, Salisbury where our uniform is available to view and try on.
Girls' Winter Uniform
Blue Downton Primary School jumper or cardigan *
Blue Downton Primary School tank top (optional)
Grey skirt / trousers / pinafore dress
White shirt/blouse
Black school shoes
School tie (elastic for KS1)
Grey or white socks or grey tights
Blue or black modest hairbands
Girls' Summer Uniform
Blue Downton Primary School jumper or cardigan *
Blue and white checked dress
Blue Downton Primary School tank top (optional)
Black school shoes or sandals. Please note, sandals must be substantial and safe for running around at playtime. Children are not permitted to wear open toe shoes without socks.
Grey or white socks
Blue or black modest hairbands
Boys' Winter Uniform
Blue Downton Primary School jumper *
Blue Downton Primary School tank top (optional) *
Grey trousers
White shirt
Black school shoes
School tie (elastic for KS1)
Grey or white socks
Boys' Summer Uniform
Blue Downton Primary School jumper *
Blue Downton Primary School tank top (optional) *
White shirt
Grey shorts or trousers
Black school shoes or sandals. Please note, sandals must be substantial and safe for running around at playtime. Children are not permitted to wear open toe shoes without socks.
School tie (elastic for KS1)
Grey or white socks
PE Kit
Downton hoodie *
Blue T-shirt with Downton logo *
Royal blue or navy shorts
Plain blue or black tracksuit bottoms
Spare socks
Drawstring PE bag
*NB: children can wear their school jumper/cardigan in place of a Downton hoodie
* These items require a Downton logo
Further information
Black trainers can also be worn as school shoes, however these must be plain black and free of any coloured logos
Following county policy, gymnastics & dance are usually performed in bare feet for greater control, agility & safety; children with verrucas must wear trainers or plimsolls.
Football boots and shin pads will not be needed for games lessons, but are essential for after school football training and matches.
Every child must have a special apron/shirt, for art and craft activities, that will cover their clothing. An adult's shirt can easily be adapted for this purpose although a waterproof garment is best.
Lost property is stored in bins in the cloakroom and is placed outside on tables from time to time so that parents may identify anything which belongs to their children. Any unnamed items left at the end of each of the six terms is disposed of.
Children are not permitted to wear shoes with platforms and / or high heels. Sandals may be worn in the summer but must be a substantial type and safe for running about at playtime. Trainers are not part of the uniform but children may change from shoes to trainers for playtimes.
Children are not permitted to have coloured hair or wear nail varnish.
For reasons of safety, jewellery, except for stud earrings, should not be worn in school. If stud earrings cannot be removed for PE activities and playtimes, because they have recently been fitted, parents must supply sticky plasters to cover the earrings. Watches may be worn.