PSHE Education at Downton CofE Primary School
At Downton C of E Primary School our vision for PSHE is underpinned by our three curriculum drivers: aspirations, knowledge and personal development. Inspired by the Parable of the Mustard Seed, and our core values of Peace, Love and Joy, our curriculum provides children with the opportunities to develop in the skills, knowledge and understanding they need to flourish in this subject, and to prepare them to make informed and considered choices in their current and future lives.
Anti-Bullying Week
In November, the whole school took part in anti-bullying week and the theme was ‘choose respect’. Throughout the week, we all took part in various activities focusing on how we can actively choose respect, and what we can do to stop bullying. The children also took part in an internet safety lesson and created internet safety posters highlighting the importance of staying safe online. We also took part in Odd Socks Day which forms as part of Anti-Bullying Week where children were encouraged to wear mismatched socks as a way of embracing and celebrating each other’s differences.
Children in Need
We all had super fun taking part in Crazy Hair Day and raising money for Children in Need! There were lots of colours, glitter and cool, crazy styles! Thanks to all the parents for making a huge effort and putting a smile on everyone’s faces.
Travel Tracker-WOW
WOW is a pupil-led initiative where children self-report how they get to school every day using the interactive WOW Travel Tracker. If they travel sustainably (Walk/wheel, cycle or scoot etc) once a week for a month, they get rewarded with a badge.