Christmas at Palace House

Today was a beautiful day- well except for the weather, that certainly couldn’t be described as beautiful! The drive to Beaulieu would have been beautiful if the winter sunshine had graced us with its presence. The drive on the open-top bus was fun, but beautiful? - maybe not. We arrived at Palace House in a slightly damp condition. Miss Clarke, the governess, answered the ringing of the doorbell and welcomed us all in out of the rain. Children should be seen and not heard was her adage, but we soon found her to be most kind and generous of nature. She taught us about the rules of etiquette, how to stand correctly, to bow and to curtsey. Miss Clarke prepared us for our meeting with Lord Henry and Lady Cecily Montagu. Each of us was individually introduced and we were soon supping hot chocolate as we listened to tall tales and stories. The story of Baboushka was a real Christmas delight.

There followed a visit to the  kitchen, and then on to enjoy luncheon with Lord Henry and Lady Cecily. Our every need was met by the dutiful servants. After filling our tummies with ‘Food Glorious Food’ we returned to the Palace to entertain the assembled company. There followed a very pleasant hour of singing, poetry recitations and just a little dancing. We rounded off our visit with a photograph around the amazing Christmas tree. This will be a day to remember for a very long time. Stags you were so lovely to be with and impressed each and every one of us - simply beautiful. Thank you! 

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