Sport and PE at Downton
P.E. and games at Downton Primary School
Using the PE planning tool from Primary PE online which underpins our curriculum, we have chosen modules that align with other aspects of our curriculum and that deliver a wide range of sports-specific and non sports specific skills to our pupils. We aim for children to progress in their PE skills, revisiting and adding more each time they visit a module. What follows are our progression documents and our statement of intent.
Our aim is for all pupils to be informed, articulate and empowered:
In Physical Education (PE) this means children are engaged and inspired by a well-designed sequential curriculum complemented by a wide range of enrichment opportunities. PE is highly valued as part of our rich curriculum and supports children to acquire the knowledge, attitudes and cultural capital they need to succeed in life.
Children develop confidence to excel in a broad range of physical activities.
Children know the core skills of a range of specific sports and are able to adhere to set rules for each.
Children learn about significant sports people which represent our diverse community and can use them as inspirational role models.
Children learn the importance of sport and activity in developing physical and mental wellbeing and its pivotal role in preventing ill-health.
Children are able to demonstrate fair play and can act accordingly whether they win, lose or draw in competition. This is how Downton behave.
Through the teaching of subject specific technical vocabulary and opportunities to discuss technique and performance, children are able to communicate their knowledge and understanding of a range of sports.
Children are taught to communicate effectively when participating in sports, giving feedback to their peers when appropriate.
Role models covered reflect the diversity of our community, enabling pupils to see themselves within the PE curriculum. This supports their belief that they too can be great sports people.
The focus on having a growth mind-set is essential on the teaching of PE, empowering children with the confidence to have a go, to learn from mistakes and to keep trying and improving.
Participation in competition (both internally and against other schools) empowers children to understand that they can succeed in the face of competition, but also the value of enjoying physical activity whether they win, lose or draw.
An appreciation of sport is essential to fully engage in a rich cultural life.
All children including those who have SEND or are disadvantaged are supported to fully access the PE curriculum. This may include additional adult support, adapted activities and/or equipment and subsidised equipment for after school clubs.
Children are empowered with the knowledge and attitude that PE and sport can be for everyone, and they value its contribution to physical and mental health.
The PE scheme of work, developed by the PE lead and external coaching staff, lays out the sequential steps to be taught so that new knowledge and skills build on what has been taught before and pupils can work towards clearly defined high quality outcomes.
Children have at least two hours of timetabled PE each week.
PE is taught in units, with an external PE coach teaching the first lesson in the week with school staff in attendance. This is staff CPD, which the class teacher then implements in their taught session.
The school buys into the Camden School Sports Association, taking part in inter school competitions throughout the year e.g. the Camden cross country at Parliament Hill. We also participate in a range of other events such as the Camden Schools Dance Festival, organised by 'The Place - London Contemporary Dance School'. Participation in these events is organised by the PE lead.
Children can further their interest and experience by attending one of our sport based after school clubs e.g. basketball or taekwondo.
The PE lead supports teachers and monitors standards by reviewing planning of units, talking to children about their PE learning and observing lessons (delivered by school staff and the external provider). Joint lesson observations with senior members of our external coaching company are planned as appropriate. The PE lead also observes the teaching of swimming.
Children learn swimming in KS2 (currently in Year 4, 5 and 6). Swimming lessons are blocked; one hour lesson each day for a period of ten days. Evidence suggests that this is far more impactful on children's swimming attainment than shorter lessons spread over a longer period of time (e.g. 30 min per week for a whole term).
Children have access to a range of physical opportunities across a broad curriculum. This includes outdoor and adventurous activities in KS2. Year 4 engage in at least one outdoor and adventurous activity each year. Year 6 undertake a three-day residential with a focus on adventurous activities.
Children at Downton Primary School have a positive attitude to sport and PE.
Children build the skills needed to participate in a range of sports and physical activities and are active in their daily lives.
Children have access to a range of activities different from the day to day experiences of an inner city child.
Every child at Downton has experience of representing the school in competition by the time they leave Year 6.
Downton has been awarded Gold Mark for PE.