Welcome to our Dormice class page

Our teachers are Mrs Robb and Miss Gardner. Scroll down to check out our topic maps and knowledge organisers, as well as to see some of the exciting learning we have been doing this term.

Summer Term 2

Summer Term 1

Spring Term 2

Letter to Parents - Florence Nightingale

Spring Term 1

Our topic this term is all about changes within living memory and our key question is ‘How is our life different from our Grandparents?’

Topic map

Knowledge organiser

Autumn Term 2

Our topic this term is all about the Arctic and Antarctica and our key question is ‘What is life like in the polar regions?’

Topic Map

Knowledge organiser

Christmas celebrations:

December was a very exciting month in Dormice class. The children all worked really hard during their Nativity performance of the Innspectors and we were very proud of them. Everyone enjoyed watching the performances, including the rest of the school who came to see our dress rehearsal. We also made some beautiful Christmas tree decorations which we put on our school tree during a special worship.

Christmas jumper and Christmas lunch day:

The children had a wonderful day wearing their Christmas jumpers and tucking in to a delicious Christmas lunch. They each made a special crown to wear for the celebrations.

D&T day

The children made their own pop up Christmas cards for our D&T day. They enjoyed creating their winter scene and choosing their own Arctic animal to draw and attach to a lollypop stick.

Home Learning:

This term we challenged the children to choose an animal that lives in the polar regions and find out 5 interesting facts about it to share with the class. We saw some amazing home learning projects and learned a lot about the different animals.

We love learning!

The children have all been very busy this term learning lots of new skills and knowledge in our lessons. Here are a few photographs of the exciting things we have been up to across the term, including some pictures of our odd socks from our anti-bullying week.

Autumn Term 1

This term our topic is Castles and our key question is ‘Who was King Alfred?”

Click here to see our topic map

Click here to see our knowledge organiser

Letter to Parents - Welcome to Year 1/2

Farleigh Hungerford Castle:

We really enjoyed our trip to Farleigh Hungerford Castle. The children learned about the different castle defences, who lived at the castle and the types of jobs they had. They listened to stories from the past and tried on costumes. We even got to hold a sword and some chainmail.

Castle dress up day:

To finish off our topic the children came into school dressed up as someone who lived in a castle. They had a great day learning about King Alfred the Great and designing their own shields.

Home learning:

This term the children have been creating their own castles at home. They have been learning facts about castles at home to share with the class. Here are a few examples of the fabulous castles the children have brought in.