Welcome to Falcons Class

Our teachers are Miss Palmer, Miss Emm and Mrs Yevko. Scroll down to check out our topic maps and knowledge organisers, as well as to see some of the exciting learning we have been doing this term.

Autumn Term 1

Term 1 Topic Map

Term 1 Knowledge Organiser

Letter to Parents - Welcome to Year 5/6 (Please see this letter for the Year 5/6 homework expectations)

Wow homework from Term 1 The children worked very hard on creating their arguments for who they believed to be the most eminent Victorian. See below some of the children’s PowerPoint presentations on Isambard Kingdom Brunel and Mary Seacole.

PowerPoint about Isambard Kingdom Brunel

PowerPoint about Mary Seacole

Macmillan Coffee Morning
Oh, what a success it was! We felt so proud of all the children and how they contributed to making the coffee morning such a success. They thoroughly enjoyed greeting guests, serving cake, taking the money, clearing away and chatting with those who came to help make it such a joyous occasion. It was topped off beautifully by Year 5 and 6 coming together to sing. We hope those who joined us enjoyed it as much as we did.

Autumn Term 2

Term 2 Topic Map

Term 2 Knowledge Organiser

Wow homework from Term 2
The children worked very hard on creating their own traditional Victorian games that children would play with at Christmas time. We had games using old coinage, a puppet theatre, board games and more.

Trip to Beaulieu
We had the most magical day experiencing a Victorian Christmas. Our day started with the children having a short etiquette lesson before meeting Lord Henry and Lady  Cecily. They shared Christmas stories and Victorian traditions, then we were taken to see a Victorian kitchen with Mrs. Clark. After our luncheon, we finished the day by singing carols. Definitely a day to remember for all. 

Spring Term 1

Term 3 Topic Map

Term 3 Knowledge Organiser

Year 6 Residential Information

Year 6 Residential Kit List

Visit from Wiltshire Air Ambulance

Today, the Wiltshire Air Ambulance came to teach us some first aid. First off, they told us what number to call if we ever needed help and what kind of questions the person on the other end might ask. They even gave us a mission: memorise our home postcode!

After that, they showed us the recovery position, they explained it by using the acronym "HALO." It stands for hand, arm, leg, and over – like a secret code for putting someone in a comfy position if they're not feeling well. We all got to practice it on each other.

Then, they taught us what to do if someone isn't breathing. We learned CPR and they said we could use songs like 'Staying Alive' or 'Baby Shark' to keep the right beat while doing it. We even got to try it out using special dolls.

Next up, we became defibrillator detectives! We found out where these magical machines are in our village and what's inside them. They showed us exactly how to use them – it was like being a superhero with a lifesaving gadget!

We also got to learn about what to do if someone's choking. We practised giving them back pats and doing a special move called an abdominal thrust. We were able to have a go at this with our partner using a special vest made specifically for learning how to save somebody who is choking. 

So, today was all about learning how to be real-life heroes and help others in need. Thanks, Wiltshire Air Ambulance team, you made first aid fun!

Spring Term 2

Term 4 Topic Map

Term 4 Knowledge Organiser

Easter Homework

Maths Egg-stra Support Answers

Maths Egg-spected Answers

Maths Egg-ceeding Answers

Grammar and Punctuation Answers

Grammar and Punctuation Glossary

Reading Answers

Grittleton House Residential
Year 6 had such a wonderful time on their residential. They zorbed, completed crystal mazes, took part in archery and much more.

Summer Term 1

Term 5 Topic Map

Term 5 Knowledge Organiser

As part of our Healthy Me week, year 5 and 6 participated in an NSPCC workshop where they learnt about how to keep safe and what they can do if they feel like they need some help or support. The children were able to identify their trusted adults and were very mature when discussing different scenarios. As we continue through the week we look forward to participating in an exercise on the hour and every hour and the sports day on Friday!

Summer Term 2

Term 6 Topic Map

Term 6 Knowledge Organiser

Letter to Parents - Matilda production costume list

Letter to Parents - Year 6 Leavers Service at Salisbury Cathedral

Letter to Parents - Matilda production